Learn more about our academic and research faculty and find collaborators by browsing the alphabetical listing below. You also may search for faculty by department, name, or research interest. If you are looking for our instructors, please search our college directory.
James Adair Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering and Pharmacology Department of Materials Science and Engineering 407 Steidle jha3@psu.edu |
Benjamin Ahlswede Assistant Research Professor in Meteorology Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 502 Walker Building 814-865-0478 bja5623@psu.edu |
Daniela Aiello Assistant Professor of Geography Department of Geography 216 Walker Building 814- 863-1005 dpa5460@psu.edu |
Nasim Alem Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering N-210 Millennium Science Complex 814-865-7928 nalem@psu.edu |
Richard Alley Evan Pugh University Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 517B Deike Building 814-863-1700 rba6@psu.edu |
Charles Ammon Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 440 Deike Building 814-865-2310 cja12@psu.edu |
Sridhar Anandakrishnan Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 513 Deike Building 814-863-6742 sxa17@psu.edu |
Elizabeth Marie Andrews Assistant Research Professor Earth and Environmental Systems Institute 310 Hosler Building ema5148@psu.edu |
Barbara Arnold Professor of Practice in Mining Engineering John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 152 Hosler Building 814-863-8823 bja4@psu.edu |
Jill Arriola Assistant Research Professor Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 405 Walker Building va5648@psu.edu |
Ivy Mawusi Asuo Assistant Research Professor in Materials Science and Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering 333 Steidle Building ipa5154@psu.edu |
Luis F. Ayala Head and Professor of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 222 Hosler Building 814-865-4053 lfay@psu.edu |
Allison Baczynski Assistant Research Professor Department of Geosciences 218 Deike Building 717-977-1282 aab27@psu.edu |
Resa Badger Post Award Coordinator Office of the Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Research 512 Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub, 123 S. Burrowes St., State College PA 16801 (814) 863-2589 rdb29@psu.edu |
Jennifer Baka Associate Professor of Geography Department of Geography 320 Walker Building 814-865-9656 jeb525@psu.edu |
Zachary Barkley Assistant Research Professor Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science remote 570-905-7621 zrb5027@psu.edu |
Ryan Baxter Associate Teaching Professor Department of Geography, John A. Dutton Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence 215 Walker Building 814-863-8755 reb186@psu.edu |
Allison Beese Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering 327 Steidle Building beese@matse.psu.edu |
Sekhar Bhattacharyya Associate Teaching Professor John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 126A Holser Building 814-863-7606 sxb1029@psu.edu |
Trevor Birkenholtz Professor of Geography Department of Geography 307 Walker Building tlb5964@psu.edu |
Seth Blumsack Professor of Energy Policy and Economics John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 156 Hosler Building 814-863-7597 sab51@psu.edu |
Lourdes Bobbio Assistant Teaching Professor Department of Materials Science and Engineering 212 Steidle Building (814) 954-0240 lvb5372@psu.edu |
Kevin Bowley Associate Teaching Professor Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 517 Walker Building (814) 863-8253 kab5083@psu.edu |
Timothy Bralower Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 535 Deike Building 814-863-1240 tjb26@psu.edu |
Susan Brantley Evan Pugh University Professor and Barnes Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences, Earth and Environmental Systems Institute 311 Hosler Building 814-865-1619 sxb7@psu.edu |
Cynthia Brewer Professor of Geography Department of Geography 325 Walker Building cab38@psu.edu |
William Bristow Professor of Atmospheric Sciences Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 621 Walker Building 814-865-0478 wab5217@psu.edu |
William Brune Distinguished Professor of Meteorology Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 617 Walker Building 814-865-0478 whb2@psu.edu |
Matt Bugaj Lecturer John A. Dutton Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence 2217 Earth & Engineering Sciences Building 814-865-6198 mjb116@psu.edu |
Amy Burnicki Associate Teaching Professor Department of Geography 418 Earth & Engineering Sciences Building 814-863-9070 acb154@psu.edu |
Benjamin Cardenas Assistant Professor Department of Geosciences 543 Deike Building bqc5573@psu.edu |
Jacob Carstens Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science Walker Building jdc6324@psu.edu |
Guido Cervone Professor of Geography Department of Geography 322 Walker Building guc18@psu.edu |
Jingchun Chen Assistant Teaching Professor Office of the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education 14 Deike Building jfc6500@psu.edu |
Long-Qing Chen Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering N-229 Millennium Science Complex 814-863-8101 lqc3@psu.edu |
Xingchao Chen Assistant Professor Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 601A Walker Bldg. 814-865-0478 xzc55@psu.edu |
Nicholas Clark Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Materials Science and Engineering n/a nlc5224@psu.edu |
Eugene Clothiaux Professor of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 603A Walker Building 814-865-2915 eec3@psu.edu |
Ralph Colby Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Chemical Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering 305 Steidle Building 814-863-3457 colby@matse.psu.edu |
Stephen Crawford Senior Research Assistant Earth and Environmental Systems Institute 317D Earth & Engineering Sciences 814-865-9905 src176@psu.edu |
Arash Dahi Taleghani Professor of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 206 Hosler Building 814-865-5421 aud440@psu.edu |
Kenneth Davis Professor of Atmospheric and Climate Science Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 512 Walker Building 814-863-8601 kjd10@psu.edu |
Tarasankar Debroy Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering 204 Steidle Building 814-865-1974 debroy@matse.psu.edu |
James Detwiler Associate Teaching Professor Department of Geography, John A. Dutton Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence 432 EESB 814-865-2932 jed124@psu.edu |
Roman Dibiase Associate Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 340 Deike Building (814) 863-6711 rad22@psu.edu |
Anthony Didlake Jr. Associate Professor of Meteorology Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 506 Walker Building acd171@psu.edu |
Erin Dimaggio Associate Research Professor Department of Geosciences 508 Deike Building 814-865-7390 exd233@psu.edu |
Ida Djenontin Assistant Professor Department of Geography 315 Walker Building 814-865-3433 ind5050@psu.edu |
Nutifafa Yao Doumon Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering 333 Steidle Building nzd5349@psu.edu |
Lorraine Dowler Professor Department of Geography 203 Walker Building 814-863-1806 lxd17@psu.edu |
Nelson Dzade Assistant Professor of Energy and Mineral Engineering John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 212 Hosler Building 814-867-4227 nxd5313@psu.edu |
William Easterling Professor Emeritus of Geography Department of Geography 318B Earth & Engineering Sciences Building wee2@psu.edu |
Derek Elsworth Professor of Energy and Mineral Engineering John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 231 Hosler Building 814-865-2225 elsworth@psu.edu |
Hamid Emami-Meybodi Associate Professor of Energy and Mineral Engineering John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 151 Hosler Building 814-863-3987 hze109@psu.edu |
Roman Engel-Herbert Affiliate Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Penn State Department of Materials Science and Engineering 0613, Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. Rudower, Chaussee 17, 12489 Berlin Germany +49 30 20377 365 engel-herbert@pdi-berlin.de |
Semih Eser Professor of Energy and Geo-environmental Engineering John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 114A Hosler Building 814-863-1392 sxe2@psu.edu |
Jenni Evans Professor Emeritus of Meteorology Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 214L Computer Bldg (814) 867-6075 jle7@psu.edu |
Matthew Fantle Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 339 Deike Building 814-863-9968 msf17@psu.edu |
Mark Fedkin Associate Teaching Professor John A. Dutton Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence 418 EES Building 814-863-1333 mvf3@psu.edu |
Maureen Feineman Associate Research Professor Department of Geosciences 308 Deike Building 814-863-7400 mdf12@psu.edu |
Isabel Fendley Assistant Research Professor Department of Geosciences 311 Deike Building ivf5060@psu.edu |
Marisa Ferger Lecturer Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 606D Walker Building 814-865-5873 maf30@psu.edu |
Patti Wood Finkle Collections and Exhibitions Technical Specialist Dean's Office 108 Special Services Building (814) 863-6017 pwf5120@psu.edu |
Donald Fisher Professor Department of Geosciences 339 Deike Building 814-865-3206 dmf6@psu.edu |
Bradford Foley Associate Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 503 Deike Building 814-863-3591 bjf5382@psu.edu |
Chris Forest Professor of Climate Dynamics Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 507 Walker Building 814-865-0710 cef13@psu.edu |
Brandon Forsythe Assistant Research Professor Earth and Environmental Systems Institute 221 EESB, 2217 Earth and Engineering Sciences Building 814-865-0294 brf11@psu.edu |
Chris Fowler Associate Professor of Geography Department of Geography 321 Walker Building csfowler@psu.edu |
Katherine Freeman Evan Pugh University Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 235 Deike Building 814-863-8177 khf4@psu.edu |
Jose Fuentes Professor of Meteorology Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 508 Walker Building 814-863-1585 juf15@psu.edu |
Kevin Furlong Professor Department of Geosciences 413 Deike Building 814-863-0567 kpf1@psu.edu |
Tanya Furman Research Professor Department of Geosciences 333 Deike Building 814-865-5782 tfl3@psu.edu |
Brandi Gaertner Assistant Teaching Professor of Spatial Data Science Department of Geography, John A. Dutton Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence 433 EES Building, 2217 Earth and Engineering Sciences Building 814-863-1590 bah6009@psu.edu |
Joshua Garber Assistant Research Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 542 Deike Building 814-865-5736 jxg1395@psu.edu |
Simon Gelin Assistant Research Professor Department of Materials Science and Engineering N257 Millennium Science Complex sqg5916@psu.edu |
Jeremy Gernand Associate Professor of Industrial Health and Safety John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 103A Hosler Building 814-865-5861 jmg64@psu.edu |
Melissa Gervais Associate Professor of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 523 Walker 814-863-3920 mmg62@psu.edu |
Panagiotis Giannakis Assistant Teaching Professor Department of Geography, John A. Dutton Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence 2217 EES Building 814-865-3343 pmg5371@psu.edu |
Adrienne Goldsberry Associate Teaching Professor Department of Geography, John A. Dutton Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence 2217 EESB 814-863-1590 adg30@psu.edu |
Enrique Gomez Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering 404 Steidle Building 814-867-3428 edg12@psu.edu |
Venkatraman Gopalan Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Pysics Department of Materials Science and Engineering N-212 Millennium Science Complex gopalan@matse.psu.edu |
Helen Greatrex Assistant Professor of Geography and Statistics Department of Geography 211 Walker Building 814-863-1707 hlg5155@psu.edu |
Steven Greybush Associate Professor of Meteorology Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 618 Walker Building 814-867-4926 sjg213@psu.edu |
William Groves Associate Professor of Industrial Health and Safety John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 223 Hosler Building 814-863-1618 wag10@psu.edu |
Antonia Hadjimichael Assistant Professor Department of Geosciences 543 Deike Building azh5924@psu.edu |
Elizabeth Hajek Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 511 Deike Building 814-867-4418 hajek@psu.edu |
John Harlim Professor of Mathematics and Meteorology Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 214 McAllister Building 814-863-9024 jzh13@psu.edu |
Jerry Harrington Professor of Meteorology Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 514 Walker Building 814-863-1584 jyh10@psu.edu |
Urara Hasegawa Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering 331 Steidle Building uph5002@psu.edu |
Bernd Haupt Systems Administrator Dean's Office 317c EES Building 814-865-8188 bjh18@psu.edu |
Kevin Haworth Assistant Teaching Professor Office of the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education 14 Deike Building 814 863 6077 krh5564@psu.edu |
Zhongyang He Instructor John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 112 Hosler Building 814-865-6511 zuh116@psu.edu |
Peter Heaney Professor Department of Geosciences 540 Deike Building 814-865-6821 pjh14@psu.edu |
Casey Helgeson Assistant Research Professor Earth and Environmental Systems Institute 319B EES Building, 2217 Earth & Engineering Sciences Building 814-867-3830 cmh455@psu.edu |
Maria Hermann Associate Teaching Professor Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 405A Walker Building 814-865-0478 mxh367@psu.edu |
Danielle Reifsnyder Hickey Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Materials Science and Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering 240 Chemistry Building, University Park, PA 814-865-6553 drh283@psu.edu |
Robert Hickey Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering 403 Steidle Building rjh64@psu.edu |
Louisa Holmes Associate Professor of Geography Department of Geography 220 Walker Building lzh5498@psu.edu |
Kyle Homman Assistant Research Professor Department of Geosciences 444 Deike Bldg (814) 863-8341 kah5265@psu.edu |
Christopher House Acting Head of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building 814-865-8802 chh10@psu.edu |
Rachel Housego Assistant Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 306 Deike Building 814-865-6711 rbh5532@psu.edu |
Lidiia Iavorivska Assistant Research Professor Earth and Environmental Systems Institute 319b Earth & Engineering Sciences Building 814-865-5007 lui100@psu.edu |
Kyle Imhoff Assistant Research Professor Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 606A Walker Building 814-865-8732 kai5024@psu.edu |
Miquela Ingalls Assistant Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 508 Deike Building 814-865-7965 mki5108@psu.edu |
Joshua Inwood Professor of Geography and African Studies Department of Geography 311 Walker Building 814-865-3433 jfi6@psu.edu |
Sarah Ivory Associate Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 310 Deike Building 814-863-0633 sji15@psu.edu |
Gregory Jenkins Professor of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, Geography, and African Studies Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 605A Walker Building 814-865-0479 gsj1@psu.edu |
Russell Johns Professor of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 119 Hosler Building 814-865-0531 rtj3@psu.edu |
Athanasios Karamalidis Assistant Professor of Environmental Systems Engineering John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 204 Hosler Building 814-863-0375 akk5742@psu.edu |
Zuleima Karpyn Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Research Office of the Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Research, John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 512G Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub 814-863-2273 ztk101@psu.edu |
Brian Kelley Assistant Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 542 Deike Building (814) 865-6711 bkk5326@psu.edu |
Fritz Kessler Teaching Professor Department of Geography, John A. Dutton Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence 435 EES Building, 2217 Earth & Engr Sciences 814-863-1508 fck2@psu.edu |
Hojong Kim Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering 406 Steidle Building 814-865-3117 huk29@psu.edu |
R. Allen Kimel Associate Teaching Professor Department of Materials Science and Engineering 225B Steidle 814-865-5397 rak189@psu.edu |
Beth King Associate Teaching Professor Department of Geography, John A. Dutton Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence 443 EESB 814-865-9164 exf107@psu.edu |
Brian King Professor and Head of Geography Department of Geography 312A Walker Building bhk2@psu.edu |
Gregory King Professor of Practice, Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 123 Hosler Building 814-867-3547 grk17@psu.edu |
Megan Kohler Assistant Teaching Professor John A. Dutton Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence 426 EESB 814-863-2042 msm26@psu.edu |
Ashish Kumar Assistant Professor John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 121 Hosler Building 863-4771 awk5528@psu.edu |
Matthew Kumjian Professor of Meteorology Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 513 Walker Building 814-863-1581 mrk26@psu.edu |
Lee Kump Dean and Professor of Geosciences Dean's Office, Department of Geosciences 510B Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub lrk4@psu.edu |
Joel Landry Assistant Professor of Environmental and Energy Economics John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 124 Hosler Building 814-865-9136 jrl34@psu.edu |
Kimberly Lau Assistant Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 407 Deike Building 814-865-6711 kvlau@psu.edu |
Stephanie Law Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering MRI sal6149@psu.edu |
Sukyoung Lee Distinguished Professor of Meteorology Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 519 Walker Building 814-863-1587 sxl31@psu.edu |
Zhen Lei Professor of Energy and Environmental Economics John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 125 Hosler Building 814-863-0810 zlei@psu.edu |
Laifang Li Assistant Professor of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, Earth and Environmental Systems Institute 814-867-4750 505 Walker Building lfl5240@psu.edu |
Wenjie Li Associate Research Professor Department of Materials Science and Engineering 422 Steidle Building 814-865-9857 wzl175@psu.edu |
Zhenlong Li Associate Professor of Geograpy Department of Geography 202 Walker Building 814-865-5415 zvl5551@psu.edu |
Laura Liermann Assistant Research Professor Earth and Environmental Systems Institute 310 Hostler 814-865-1981 ljl8@psu.edu |
Ang Liu Instructor John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 112 Hosler Building 814-865-6511 aul886@psu.edu |
Shimin Liu Professor of Energy and Mineral Engineering John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 224 Hosler Building 814-863-4491 szl3@psu.edu |
Zi-Kui Liu Dorothy Pate Enright Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering 326 Steidle Building 814-865-1934 liu@matse.psu.edu |
Max Lloyd Assistant Professor Department of Geosciences 410 Deike Building 814-865-3620 mkl5587@psu.edu |
Chiara Lo Prete Associate Professor of Energy Economics John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 213 Hosler Building 814-865-0982 cxl63@psu.edu |
Kelly Lombardo Associate Professor of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 510 Walker Building 814-865-0478 kal6112@psu.edu |
Carlos Lopez Assistant professor Department of Materials Science and Engineering 304 Steidle Building cvg5719@psu.edu |
Robert Lydick Assistant Teaching Professor Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 606D Walker Building 814-863-4229 rml5093@psu.edu |
Jennifer Macalady Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 210 Deike Building 814-865-6330 jlm80@psu.edu |
Evangelos Manias Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering 428 Steidle Building 814-863-2980 manias@matse.psu.edu |
Jon-Paul Maria Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering 207 Steidle Building jpm133@psu.edu |
Paul Markowski Head and Distinguished Professor of Meteorology Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 504 Walker Building 814-865-0478 pmm116@psu.edu |
Chris Marone Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 536 Deike Building 814-865-7964 cjm38@psu.edu |
Karen Marosi Director of Student Engagement Office of the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education 14 Deike Building 814-865-7482 ket2@psu.edu |
Jonathan Mathews Professor of Energy and Mineral Engineering John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 126 Hosler Building 814-863-6213 jpm10@psu.edu |
John Mauro Dorothy Pate Enright Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering 307 Steidle Building jcm426@psu.edu |
Yashar Mehmani Assistant Professor of Energy and Mineral Engineering John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 153 Hosler Building 814-863-7942 yzm5192@psu.edu |
Amin Mehrabian Associate Professor of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 102 Hosler Building 814-865-6892 aum854@psu.edu |
Anne Menefee Assistant Professor of Energy and Mineral Engineering John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 109 Hosler Building 814-867-5271 ahmenefee@psu.edu |
Natasha Miles Research Professor Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 412B Walker Building 814-800-8087 nlm136@psu.edu |
David Miller Associate Research Professor Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science Pine Hall 814-865-3241 dom101@psu.edu |
April Millet Associate Teaching Professor John A. Dutton Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence 423 EESB, 2217 Earth & Engr Sciences Bldg 814-863-8718 azs2@psu.edu |
Tushar Mittal Assistant Professor Department of Geosciences 503 Deike Building tmittal@psu.edu |
Suzanne Mohney Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Electrical Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering N-209 Millennium Science Complex, 328 Steidle Building 814-863-0744 mohney@matse.psu.edu |
Maziar Montazerian Assistant Research Professor Department of Materials Science and Engineering 312 Steidle Building mbm6420@psu.edu |
Eugene Morgan Associate Teaching Professor John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 115 Hosler Building 814-863-1642 eum19@psu.edu |
Joel Morrison Senior Research Associate EMS Energy Institute 105 Academic Projects 814-865-4802 jlm9@psu.edu |
Alfred Moyle Jr. Assistant Research Professor Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 420A Walker Building 814-863-4526 amm14@psu.edu |
Thandazile Moyo Assistant Professor of Energy and Mineral Engineering John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 154 Hosler Building 814-863-8852 tvm5825@psu.edu |
Raymond Najjar Professor of Oceanography Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 522 Walker Building rgn1@psu.edu |
Jon Nese Teaching Professor Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 518 Walker Building 814-863-4076 j2n@psu.edu |
Loren Newman Administrative Support Assistant Department of Geosciences 503 Deike Bldg (814) 867-4760 ljn5212@psu.edu |
Robert Nicholas Associate Research Professor Earth and Environmental Systems Institute 317C Earth & Engineering Sciences 814-865-4484 ren10@psu.edu |
Victoria Nimmo Assistant Teaching Professor of Geography Department of Geography 302 Walker Building vpn5078@psu.edu |
Belén Noroña Assistant Professor of Geography Department of Geography 302 Walker Building mxn5421@psu.edu |
Andrew Nyblade Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 116 Deike Building 814-863-8341 aan2@psu.edu |
Renee Obringer Assistant Professor of Energy and Mineral Engineering John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 110A Hosler Building 814-865-8475 obringer@psu.edu |
Olumide Ogunmodimu Assistant Professor of Energy and Mineral Engineering John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 207 Hosler Building 814-865-3437 ozo5101@psu.edu |
Kwadwo Osseo-Asare Distinguished Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, and Energy and Mineral Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering 426 Steidle 814-865-4882 ako1@psu.edu |
Darren Pagan Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering 328 Steidle Building 814-863-0655 dcp5303@psu.edu |
Todd Palmer Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics and Materials Science and Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering 147B Research Building West 814-863-8865 tap103@psu.edu |
Dipanjan Pan Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering 205 Hallowell Building 814-865-0043 dipanjan@psu.edu |
Ying Pan Associate Professor of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 521 Walker Building 814-865-8077 yyp5033@psu.edu |
Mark Patzkowsky Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 539 Deike Building 814-863-1959 mep12@psu.edu |
Arthur Person Associate Research Professor Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 421 Walker Building 814-863-1563 aap1@psu.edu |
John Peters Assistant Professor Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 515 Walker Building 814-865-0478 jfp5948@psu.edu |
Anastasia Piliouras Assistant Professor Department of Geosciences 543 Deike Building n/a amp6837@psu.edu |
Sarma Pisupati Professor of Energy and Mineral Engineering John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 407 Academic Activities Building 814-865-0874 sxp17@psu.edu |
Bed Poudel Research Professor Department of Materials Science and Engineering 421 Steidle Building bup346@psu.edu |
Bronwen Powell Associate Professor of Geography and African Studies Department of Geography 314 Walker Building 814-865-1187 bxp15@psu.edu |
Clive Randall Director, Materials Research Institute Department of Materials Science and Engineering N-221 Millennium Science Complex 814-863-1328 car4@psu.edu |
Joan Redwing Distinguished Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering N-336 Millennium Science Complex 814-865-8665 jmr31@psu.edu |
Ronald Redwing Associate Teaching Professor Department of Materials Science and Engineering N-156 Millennium Science Complex 814-867-2455 rdr10@psu.edu |
Jesse Reimink Assistant Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 411 Deike Building 814-865-6666 jreimink@psu.edu |
Wesley Reinhart Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering 303 Steidle Building reinhart@psu.edu |
Benjamin Reppert Lecturer Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science EES Building 814-863-3918 bjr5280@psu.edu |
Mohammad Rezaee Associate Professor of Mining Engineering John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 122 Hosler 814-863-1620 mzr288@psu.edu |
Scott Richardson Research Professor Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 414 Walker Building 814-863-1038 sjr17@psu.edu |
Yvette Richardson Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education Office of the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education, Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 14 Deike Building 814-865-7482 ypr1@psu.edu |
Amy Robinson Associate Teaching Professor Department of Materials Science and Engineering 225B Steidle Building 814-865-2891 acs180@psu.edu |
Anthony Robinson Professor of Geography Department of Geography, John A. Dutton Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence 318 Walker Building and 433 EESB 814-865-5611 acr181@psu.edu |
Brandi Robinson Associate Teaching Professor John A. Dutton Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence 416 EES Building, 2217 Earth and Engineering Sciences Building 814-867-4539 bjn151@psu.edu |
Joshua Robinson Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Office of the Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Research, Department of Materials Science and Engineering N-337 Millennium Science Complex 814-863-8567 jrobinson@psu.edu |
Stevie Rocco Director of Learning Design John A. Dutton Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence 421 EESB 814-863-1560 sxr133@psu.edu |
Emily Rosenman Assistant Professor of Geography Department of Geography 316 Walker Building 814-865-9656 ekr5260@psu.edu |
Kelsey Ruckert Coastal Climate Extension Specialist Earth and Environmental Systems Institute n/a n/a klr324@psu.edu |
Victoria Sanchez Associate Dean, Educational Equity Office of the Associate Dean for Educational Equity 104 Deike Building 814-867-2455 vxs20@psu.edu |
Erich Schienke Assistant Teaching Professor John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 5F Hosler Building 814-865-3046 ews11@psu.edu |
Karl Schneider Researcher Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 619 Walker Building kps5442@psu.edu |
Karen Schuckman Associate Teaching Professor Department of Geography, John A. Dutton Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence 2217 Earth-Engineering Sciences Building kls505@psu.edu |
Steven Seman AssociateTeaching Professor Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, John A. Dutton Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence 2217 Earth & Engr Sciences Bldg, Room 428 EES 814-863-7205 sas405@psu.edu |
Shunli Shang Research Professor Department of Materials Science and Engineering 324 Steidle Building 814-863-9957 sus26@psu.edu |
Feifei Shi Assistant Professor of Energy Engineering John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 154 Hosler Building 814-863-8852 fzs5183@psu.edu |
Yin Shi Assistant Research Professor Department of Materials Science and Engineering N-324 Millennium Science Complex yxs187@psu.edu |
Nairiti Sinha Assistant Professor Department of Materials Science and Engineering 405 Steidle Building sinha@psu.edu |
Susan Sinnott Department Head and Professor, Materials Science and Engineering and Chemistry Department of Materials Science and Engineering 221A Steidle Building 814-863-3117 sinnott@matse.psu.edu |
Nathan Smith Assistant Teaching Professor Department of Materials Science and Engineering 306 Steidle Building nds174@psu.edu |
Erica Smithwick Director of the Earth and Environmental Systems Institute and Distinguished Professor of Geography Department of Geography, Earth and Environmental Systems Institute 225B Earth & Engineering Sciences Building, 323 Walker Building 814-865-1619 eus17@psu.edu |
Andrew Smye Associate Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 322 Deike 814-865-5530 aus702@psu.edu |
Julianne Snider Consultant to Museum and Art Gallery Dean's Office, Museum / Art Gallery 19 Deike Building 814-571-6317 jxs1030@psu.edu |
Sanjay Srinivasan Director, EMS Energy Institute John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering C211 Coal Utilization Lab 814-863-9470 szs27@psu.edu |
David Stensrud Professor of Meteorology Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 620 Walker Building 814-863-7714 djs78@psu.edu |
Hadas Sternlicht Assistant Research Professor of Materials Science and Engineernig Department of Materials Science and Engineering N-348 Millennium Science Complex hxs5692@psu.edu |
Vladimir Stoica Associate Research Professor Department of Materials Science and Engineering N259 Millennium Science Complex vxs30@psu.edu |
Marcela Suarez Assistant Teaching Professor of Spatial Data Science Department of Geography, John A. Dutton Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence 302 Walker Building 814-867-0169 aks7396@psu.edu |
William Syrett Associate Teaching Professor Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 606C Walker Building 814-865-6172 wjs1@psu.edu |
Ann Taylor Senior Assistant Dean for Distance Learning John A. Dutton Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence 418 EES Building 814-863-9070 atb3@psu.edu |
Gregory Thomas Associate Teaching Professor Department of Geography, John A. Dutton Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence 434 EESB, 2217 Earth & Engr Sciences 814-867-1471 gat5@psu.edu |
Hilal Ezgi Toraman Assistant Professor of Energy and Mineral Engineering and Chemical Engineering John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 155 Hosler Building, University Park, PA 814-863-9261 hzt5148@psu.edu |
Susan Trolier-McKinstry Evan Pugh University Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering N-227 Millennium Science Complex 814-863-8348 trolier-mckinstry@matse.psu.edu |
Luke Trusel Assistant Professor of Geogrphy Department of Geography 212 Walker Building 814-865-1175 trusel@psu.edu |
Femeena Pandara Valappil Assistant Research Professor Earth and Environmental Systems Institute 317f Earth & Engineering Sciences Building fpp5057@psu.edu |
Andre van der Vlies Assistant Research Professor Department of Materials Science and Engineering 411 Steidle Building 814-865-9857 amv5829@psu.edu |
Kimberly Van Meter Assistant Professor of Geography Department of Geography 316 Walker Building 814-865-3343 kbv5173@psu.edu |
Randy Vander Wal Professor John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 203 Hosler Building 814-865-5813 ruv12@psu.edu |
David Varney Lecturer John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 213 Research West 814-865-7472 dxv49@psu.edu |
Dongxiang (Maggie) Wang Assistant Research Professor Earth and Environmental Systems Institute 308 Hosler Building 814-863-4823 dxw43@psu.edu |
John Wang Associate Professor John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 202 Hosler Building 814-865-8474 yjw2@psu.edu |
Meng Wang Assistant Professor of Environmental Systems Engineering John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 120 Hosler Building 814-863-6388 mxw1118@psu.edu |
Qing Wang Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering N-332 Millennium Science Complex 814-863-0042 wang@matse.psu.edu |
Shujie Wang Assistant Professor of Geography Department of Geography 213 Walker Building 814-865-1633 skw5660@psu.edu |
Denice Wardrop Research Professor of Geography Department of Geography Chesapeake Research Consortium 645 Contees Wharf Road Edgewater, MD 21037 814-863-1005 dhw110@psu.edu |
Ronald Wasco Researcher EMS Energy Institute 218 Academic Projects 814-863-5384 rxw19@psu.edu |
Christelle Wauthier Associate Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 442 Deike Building 814-863-6649 cuw25@psu.edu |
Mort Webster Professor of Energy Engineering John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 123 Hosler Building 814-863-1640 mdw18@psu.edu |
Maria Wherley Learning Designer and Writer-in-Residence John A. Dutton Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence 2217 EESB 814-863-2491 mrs110@psu.edu |
Timothy White Research Professor Earth and Environmental Systems Institute 222 Earth & Engineering Sciences 814-865-2213 tsw113@psu.edu |
Chris Widga Director, EMS Museum and Art Gallery Dean's Office, Department of Geosciences, Museum / Art Gallery 6 Deike Building 814-863-6017 cxw5766@psu.edu |
Peter Wilf Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 537 Deike Building 814-865-6721 pdw3@psu.edu |
Hannah Wiseman Professor of Law John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering 252 Lewis Katz Building 814-867-2797 hqw5351@psu.edu |
Douglas Wolfe Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Engineering Science and Mechanics, Nuclear Engineering, and Additive Manufacturing and Design Department of Materials Science and Engineering 304 Old Main 814-863-9657 dew125@arl.psu.edu |
Melissa Wright Professor of Geography Department of Geography 308 Walker Bldg 814-865-9133 mww11@psu.edu |
Fan Wu Assistant Research Professor Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 622 Walker Building 814-865-0478 fvw5116@psu.edu |
Manzhu Yu Assistant Professor of Geography Department of Geography 204 Walker Building 814-865-1625 mqy5198@psu.edu |
Colin Zarzycki Associate Professor of Meteorology and Climate Dynamics Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 520 Walker Building 814-863-8568 cmz5202@psu.edu |
Michelle Zeiders Associate Teaching Professor Department of Geography, John A. Dutton Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence 432 EES Building 814-863-6286 mgz1@psu.edu |
Pengfei Zhang Assistant Research Professor Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 402A Walker Building 814-865-0478 pfz5053@psu.edu |
Yunji Zhang Assistant Professor Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science 624B Walker Building 814-865-0478 yuz31@psu.edu |
Luyao Zheng Assistant Research Professor Department of Materials Science and Engineering 110 Energy and Environment Laboratory zzl5454@psu.edu |
Tieyuan Zhu Associate Professor of Geosciences Department of Geosciences 406 Deike Building 814-863-7112 tuz47@psu.edu |
Karl Zimmerer Professor of Geography Department of Geography 309 Walker Building 814-865-3094 ksz2@psu.edu |