Our faculty have been recognized as leaders by national academies, professional societies, and across Penn State. Below is a selection of awards received by Penn State's College of Earth and Mineral Sciences faculty.

Election to the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, or National Academy of Medicine is considered one of the highest professional honors among scientists, engineers, and health professionals. Each year, new members are elected by current members based on outstanding achievement and commitment to service.
Faculty are elected as fellows to professional societies based on significant contributions to research, teaching, service, or other criteria specified by the society. It is an honor to be elected as a fellow; fellows represent a very small percentage of the society’s total membership.
Penn State awards various awards and honors to faculty based on achievement that focuses on evidence of the superior scholarly or creative accomplishments, including the Evan Pugh University Professor, Distinquished Professor, and Faculty Scholar Medals.
In pursuit of its mission to seek and to disseminate knowledge, the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences promotes excellence in the academic and professional activities of our faculty. To recognize the excellence of our faculty, each year the college acknowledges their achievements at the annual Wilson Awards Banquet.