Diversity, equity, and inclusive excellence play a central role in our college’s core mission to prepare our students to live, work, and lead in a global environment. The College of Earth and Mineral Sciences’ broad and multifaceted efforts are inclusive of nationality, ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, ability, veteran status, socio economic status, first generation to college status, and religion and apply to students, faculty, staff, and leadership.
We aim to provide all students with a world-class education. By fostering an environment that values diversity, inclusive excellence and belonging, we hope to help all students find their place and thrive in our college.
In addition to the programs below, our office provides academic counseling and guidance to students, connecting them with information, resources, and opportunities. We also support student-led and student organization initiatives. And we work with University and College programs to recruit and retain a diverse student body.
Pre-College Programs
Upward Bound Programs — The Summer Experiences in Earth and Mineral Sciences (SEEMS) is a collaboration with the University’s Upward Bound Programs. Among the federally funded TRiO programs, Upward Bound Programs works with students from selected high schools who have academic need, the desire and ability to pursue higher education, and will be the first in their family to graduate from college. Upward Bound Programs provides academic year support, campus visits, and a summer academy.
EnvironMentors Penn State Chapter -- EnvironMentors is a college access program for underrepresented and underserved high school students across the country, created by the Global Council for Science and the Environment (GCSE). EnvironMentors has the mission to mentor and motivate high school students from underrepresented and underserved communities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). High school student participants are paired with an undergraduate student, a faculty member, and a graduate student, who serve as their mentors on research teams for the academic year.
Weather Camp -- Penn State Weather Camp is a resident science experience designed for students who will enter grades eight through ten in the fall. During this week of camp, participants will receive hands-on experience in many aspects of weather, including the actual process of making a forecast. Campers will gain an appreciation for the wonders, complexity, and beauty of the atmosphere, and for people who have chosen careers in meteorology. The EMS Office of the Associate Dean for Educational Equity helps provide scholarships for low-income attendees.
Multicultural Recruiting
Penn State Admissions Strategic Partnerships seeks to create a diverse student body through access and exposure to Penn State opportunities and resources. Visit their website to learn more about recruiting programs and events. EMS Office of the Associate Dean for Educational Equity participates in these programs and events and our recruiter will be happy to meet with you.
Undergraduate Programs
Millennium Scholars Program -- The Penn State Millennium Scholars Program is designed for high-achieving Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) students who intend to earn a Ph.D, will become leaders in their chosen fields and are committed to increasing the diversity of professionals in STEM-related disciplines. Students apply at the time of admission, participate in a Summer Bride program prior to their first academic year, and are provided with intensive academic counseling and professional development throughout their B.S. program.
Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program -- The Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program (also known as the McNair Scholars Program) is one of the federally funded TRiO programs at Penn State. It is designed to provide one-on-one support to undergraduate students from underrepresented backgrounds in pursuit of a Ph.D. The McNair Scholars program does not provide financial support or scholarships.
First-Year In Science and Engineering (FISE) Living Learning Community -- A Multicultural Community of Science and Engineering Scholars, FISE offers a residential experience for first-year students seeking to live in a diverse and inclusive STEM-focused living and learning community. Designed to support first-year students in their transition to college, FISE offers excellent academic resources and programs throughout the year. FISE students leave well prepared to succeed in their future academic work and STEM discipline.
Bunton-Waller Fellows and Merits Program -- Named in honor of Mildred Settle Bunton ‘32 and Calvin Hoffman Waller ‘04, recognized as Penn State’s first African American alumna and alumnus, Bunton-Waller awards are given to students who contribute to the diversity and inclusion initiatives at Penn State. Established in 1994, the Bunton-Waller program enhances Penn State’s educational mission by bringing a community of curious, talented, and diverse students to Penn State. The Bunton-Waller scholars program provides two scholarship program opportunities. Each program has unique eligibility and programming requirements. All Bunton-Waller award recipients are selected by the individual colleges and academic units.
Study Abroad/Study Away -- EMS offers several study abroad/study away opportunities. Visit the website to learn more, or contact Faculty Representative Dr. Kevin Furlong kpf1@psu.edu.
Undergraduate Research Experiences
GCSE EnvironMentors Penn State Chapter -- EnvironMentors is the college access program for underrepresented and underserved high school students across the country, created by the Global Council for Science and the Environment (GCSE). EnvironMentors has the mission to mentor and motivates high school students from underrepresented and underserved communities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). High school student participants are paired with an undergraduate student, a faculty member, and a graduate student, who serve as their mentors on research teams for the academic year.
NASA Pennsylvania Space Grant Consortium (PSGC) PSU Undergraduate Research Internship Program — The NASA Pennsylvania Space Grant Consortium (PSGC) PSU Undergraduate Research Internship Program is an annual research-focused program for students attending Penn State – University Park supported by the PSGC. The program offers first-year students who are U.S. citizens planning to pursue a degree in STEM a two-semester (spring and fall semesters of one calendar year) faculty mentored internship in a research laboratory at Penn State-UP. During the internship experience, students have the opportunity to collaborate with a research team, learn the language of research, and conduct experiments. The PA Space Grant Research Internship Program has three pathways to apply: WISER, MURE, and FURP. Although they are named differently, all three pathways feed into one central internship program, and a student must qualify for at least one (or more) of the pathways described below to be eligible.
- WISER: Women in Science and Engineering Research is open to all first-year students but focuses on supporting outstanding women interested in pursuing research on campus.;
- MURE: Minority Undergraduate Research Experience supports underrepresented minority students interested in pursuing research on campus that are in their first-year, sophomore, or junior years. Minority students are defined as African-American, Hispanic, Native American, or Pacific Islander. Students of Asian descent are not considered minority students by NASA. ;
- FURP: Freshman Undergraduate Research Program is open to all first-year students interested in research; those with economic hardship are encouraged to apply.
Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) — The Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) is an eight-week research program designed to interest talented undergraduate students from underrepresented groups in academic careers and to enhance their preparation for graduate study through intensive research experiences with faculty mentors. In addition to the research experience, the program includes professional development workshops, seminars, field trips, and social activities.
Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program -- The Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program (also known as the McNair Scholars Program) is one of the federally funded TRiO programs at Penn State. It is designed to provide one-on-one support to undergraduate students from underrepresented backgrounds in pursuit of a Ph.D. The McNair Scholars program does not provide financial support or scholarships.
Multi-Campus Research Experience for Undergraduates– The MC REU program supports Penn State undergraduate students from campuses to conduct summer research with EMS faculty at University Park. Working with their faculty mentors, selected students will complete their proposed research project and engage in professional development sessions weekly throughout the program. Professional development sessions cover topics including research safety and ethics, effective research communication, presentation skills, graduate school information, and more. Preference is given to students associated with a commonwealth campus who are working towards a degree connected to the College of Engineering or the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences.
Interdisciplinary Climate Science Research – Undergraduate students will conduct authentic research on topics related to climate science. The research topics will take an interdisciplinary look at climate science and the societal relevance, spanning beyond atmospheric science to also include impacts of a changing climate such as human health, ecology, and engineering solutions. New statistical and computational approaches will be introduced to students to make sense of the ever-larger data being collected on the climate system. For more information or to apply contact PIs: Dr. Raymond Najjar rgn1@psu.edu, Dr. Gregory Jenkins gsj1@psu.edu, or Dr. Natasha Miles nlm136@psu.edu.
Empowering Underrepresented Students in Nanomanufacturing of Emerging 2D Devices -- Hosted by The Pennsylvania State University Nanofabrication facility and the 2D Crystal Consortium Materials Innovation Platform facility, the National Science Foundation funded Research Experience for Undergraduate Site "Nanomanufacturing of Emerging 2D Materials and Devices" is a ten-week summer research program designed to provide undergraduates with hands-on experience in cutting-edge nanomanufacturing technologies. The program focuses on 2D materials which have potential applications in next-generation semiconductor devices and photonics. Students work in small, interdisciplinary teams, collaborating with faculty advisors and graduate student mentors to explore novel device development and process innovations. This team-based structure mirrors the collaborative environment typical of the semiconductor industry. Alongside their research projects, students receive comprehensive training in laboratory safety, responsible research conduct, and data management. They also have opportunities for professional development, networking with industry scientists and engineers, and participating in social activities. The program aims to motivate and prepare students for graduate studies, while contributing to the U.S. research and manufacturing pipeline in semiconductor technology. Additionally, it places strong emphasis on mentoring students from underrepresented backgrounds in science and engineering, further expanding opportunities for diverse talent in the field. From 2019 to 2022, thirty-eight undergraduate students participated. Of the 38 students, 45% were female (17), 55% were self-reported as a member of a historically underrepresented minority group (21) in STEM, and nearly 70% were from academic institutions where research is limited (27). For more information or to apply, contact Ron Redwing rdr10@psu.edu.
Student Organizations for Underrepresented Students
The College of Earth and Mineral Sciences has the following college-wide undergraduate organizations:
- Minorities in EMS (MEMS)
- Women and Gender Diversity in EMS (WEMS)
- EMS Undergraduate Student Council, which has a Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) position
EMS students have participated in a number of cross-unit, diversity-focused student organizations during their time at Penn State, such as:
- Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM)
- Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
- Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
- American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)
- National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
- Phi Sigma Rho Sorority (Women in science and engineering)
- Minorities in Agriculture and Natural Resources (MANRRS)
- Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
- Society for Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE)
- Access Club at Penn State (accessibility)
- First-Gen Advocates (students who will be the first in their immediate family to graduate from a College or University)
Additionally, each of our departments has department/discipline specific organizations supporting diversity, inclusive excellence, and belonging. These include:
Check your department’s website or talk with your department’s Associate Head for Undergrad Programs or Associate Head for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for more information about what clubs exist or are forming within your department.
Penn State has many more student organizations, which you can browse through in the student organization directory. Other resources include a list of International and Cultural organizations, a list compiled by the Multicultural Resource center, or view Penn State Registered Student Organizations. All are open to any student interested in the topic and mission of the organization.
Each of our EMS departments has an Associate Head for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Contact the Associate Head for your department to learn more about programs and events in your department.
- Department of Geography: Dr. Lorraine Dowler lxd17@psu.edu
- Department of Geosciences: Contact Dr. Liz Hajek eah21@psu.edu https://www.geosc.psu.edu/about/who-we-are/diversity-equity-and-inclusion
- John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering: Contact Dr. Chiara LoPrete cxl63@psu.edu
- Department of Materials Science and Engineering: Contact Dr. Allison Beese amb961@psu.edu https://www.matse.psu.edu/undergraduate/undergraduate-student-experiences/diversity-equity-inclusion-and-belonging
- Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science: Contact Dr. Eugene Clothiaux eec3@psu.edu
- Special Living Options — Live with and learn from classmates who share similar interests as you. The ALLY House provides an open, safe, and inclusive living environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and ally students. The Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) House offers a supportive environment for women students in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.
- Student Disability Resources
- Paul Robeson Cultural Center
- Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity
- Gender Equity Center
- All Gender Restrooms
- Adult Learners Programs and Services
- Prior Learning Assessment — how to request academic credit for equivalent life experience
- Office of Veterans Programs
- Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development
More ways of getting connected with your community, accessing student services, and creating a community of belonging, support, success and wellness can be found the Penn State Student Affairs website.
Penn State offers numerous resources specifically for underrepresented students seeking assistance with a variety of concerns. We also encourage you to contact staff in our Office for the Associate Dean for Educational Equity, who can work with you and may be able to point you to additional resources.
- Student Legal Services
- University Police — Report a Crime
- Center for Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
- University Health Services
- Report Bias
- Office of Sexual Misconduct Prevention & Response
We highly recommend these important University references:
- Belonging at Penn State Calendar
- Penn State Statement on Belonging
- Advancing Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity-Our Commitment to Impact: The Pennsylvania State University’s Strategic Plan for 2020 to 2025
- Diversity and Inclusion Resources from the University Office of Educational Equity
- Addressing Bias: Rights, Responsibilities and Responses
- DEIB Dashboard
- Free speech and expression on campus
If you have questions about any equity initiative in the college, please contact the EMS Office of the Associate Dean for Educational Equity