Five Questions
What made you choose your major?
I grew up reading National Geographic and watching science documentaries. Geologic processes like plate tectonics have always fascinated me because of their sheer scale, yet they leave tangible traces in the landscape all around us. Every time I learn more, I come away with a sense of awe. Geoscience also has a bunch of applications in research, industry, and conservation, so it was the perfect mix of practicality and matching my interests.
What student organizations and activities are you involved in?
I am involved in Club Cross Country (Benefiting THON), the Earth and Mineral Sciences Living-Learning Community, Newman Catholic Student Association, and the Creative Writing Club.
What is the one Penn State activity that everyone should participate in, and why?
You’ll hear it from way more people than just me, but get involved in THON! It’s an annual fundraising campaign carried out by Penn State students to fund research and treatment of pediatric cancer at Penn State Health Children’s Hospital. Lots of student orgs have incorporated THON fundraising into their activities throughout the year, so the whole university is able to join in! I can’t understate the incredible solidarity I’ve found with my fellow Penn Staters in supporting this wonderful cause. THON truly sets Penn State apart from every other university, and it’s absolutely worth participating in.
What is one piece of advice you would give to prospective students?
Penn State may have a reputation as a “party school,” but that doesn’t do justice to the loads of other ways you can spend your time and be engaged in the campus community. Immediately joining a bunch of student organizations was the best decision I made my first year. I recommend having a few organizations in mind which you can seek out. Being involved in student orgs will help you find groups of people who you see on a regular basis, and who share your interests. You might find that some of them become your closest friends!
What opportunities has Penn State provided for you so far?
In just my first year and the summer of 2023, I attended the TEEMS trip for incoming students, was elected to an executive board position in my living-learning community, went to the 2023 EMS Gala, experienced THON Weekend 2023, ran a half-marathon with Club Cross Country, and participated in the Penn State Analytical Petrology Institute for undergraduate research!