Batteries power everything from smartphones to electric vehicles. Penn State and industry researchers have developed a method, which could potentially reveal new ways to improve battery efficiency and lifespan.
To enhance biosensor development via artificial intelligence (AI) and offer STEM education opportunities to K-12 students from underserved communities, the U.S. National Science Foundation recently awarded researchers at Penn State a three-year, $1.5 million grant.
Nelson Yaw Dzade, an assistant professor in the John and Willie Leone Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering, is featured in "Growing Impact" on his research on using advanced computation to design catalysts that can accelerate the process of converting carbon dioxide into useful products.
Erica P. Cooper, administrative support manager in the John and Willie Leone Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering, has been recognized for her service at the White House Communications Agency (WHCA) in the recently published book “The No-Fail Mission: The Men and Women Behind the Presidential Service Badge.”
Robert Hickey, assistant professor of materials science and engineering, is co-leading a five-year, $4.5 million Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative grant to use light energy to create high-performance ceramic materials at lower temperatures than previously possible.
Elizabeth “Libby” Kupp, who retired as an associate teaching professor from Penn State in 2022, established the MatSE Safety Fund.
David Just, will give the talk, “Lottery selection and probability weighting: testing robustness to extremes using the New York State Lotto,” at noon on Wednesday, Oct. 9, in 157 Hosler Building.
Michael Helbing, executive director of the Center for Energy Law and Policy, will give the talk, “Flying into the future: sustainable aviation fuel and the policies impacting its development,” at 4 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 7, in 112 Walker Building.
Kenneth Davis has been names as Person of the Year for 2024 by IEE. Davis will also become an IEE Fellow.
Natalie Oswin, associate professor in the Department of Human Geography at the University of Toronto Scarborough, will give the talk, “Capital contradictions in the age of incorporation: queer and trans materialism at work."