Our graduate students are integral to the research we conduct, and they also are dedicated to making a difference in communities. Learn more about their research, outreach efforts, and other projects below.
When Ken Davis had an opportunity to help lead graduate education at Penn State, the chance was one that he could not let pass by.
Amanda Hendrix, a senior scientist at the Planetary Science Institute, will deliver the talk "Investigating Icy Worlds Using UV Spectroscopy" at 4 p.m. Monday, Jan. 23, in 112 Walker Building on Penn State's University Park campus.
The 2022 Materials Day event, presented by the Materials Research Institute with the theme “Materials Impacting Society,” featured a look at what might be on the horizon as far as materials research with positive societal impact.
Given the Earth and Environmental Systems Institute's (EESI) history of understanding the Earth as a system, the spring 2023 EarthTalks speaker series is intended to provide a venue for the expansion of participants' horizons into the solar system.
For fledgling forecasters and budding broadcasters, the Campus Weather Service at Penn State has a reputation for real-world readiness.
Cody Two Bears will discuss his work — and his focus on youth empowerment — in his talk "Empowering Native Communities with Renewable Energy" at 4 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 5.
Srinivas Chokkakula, Ministry of Jal Shakti Research Chair with the Centre for Policy Research in New Delhi, will give the talk “Conflicts and Complicit Climate Change: Transboundary Water Governance in South Asia” as part of the Department of Geography’s Coffee Hour lecture series
The fall 2022 Celebrating Women in Energy and Water Research seminar series at Penn State will conclude on Thursday, Dec. 1, with two seminars by Karen Palmer, senior fellow and director of the Electric Power Program at Resources for the Future (RFF).
Niko Kochendoerfer, a postdoctoral fellow in animal sciences at Cornell University, will deliver the talk "Effect of sheep stocking rate on ecosystem parameters in ground-mounted solar arrays " at 4 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 14.
The second annual Penn State Solar Law Symposium will be held via webinar from noon to 4:30 p.m. on Nov. 16.