Diversity, equity, and inclusive excellence play a central role in our college’s core mission to prepare our students to live, work, and lead in a global environment. The College of Earth and Mineral Sciences’ broad and multifaceted diversity efforts are inclusive of nationality, ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, ability, veteran status, socio economic status, first generation to college status, and religion and apply to students, faculty, staff.
We aim to provide all students with a world-class education. By fostering an environment that values diversity, we hope to help all students find their place in our college.
We highly recommend these important University references:
- All In at Penn State: A Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
- Penn State Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Excellence
- Advancing Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity-Our Commitment to Impact: The Pennsylvania State University’s Strategic Plan for 2020 to 2025
- Action Together: Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Penn State
- Diversity and Inclusion Resources
- Addressing Bias: Rights, Responsibilities and Responses
If you have questions about any diversity-related initiative in the college, please contact the EMS Office of the Associate Dean for Educational Equity.
Professional Development
- Professional Development
The Office of Graduate Educational Equity Programs in concert with the Graduate School and the academic colleges sponsor professional development opportunities for underrepresented graduate students. These workshops, seminars, and conferences are intended to address issues that may not be addressed in the academic units that can serve as barriers to students’ academic success.
Fellowships and Scholarships Opportunites
- Bunton-Waller Fellowships
Bunton-Waller Graduate Awards are assistantships granted to incoming students as part of the University's comprehensive educational opportunity program. The graduate admission application serves as the Bunton-Waller Graduate Awards application. Students must be nominated by their program. The Bunton-Waller Graduate Awards Program competition is open to incoming graduate degree candidates who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Awards from the Bunton-Waller Graduate Awards Program include one-year awards, two-year awards, four-year awards for doctoral students, and top-up awards. Applications will be evaluated on scholarly promise and upon receiving a commitment from the student's graduate major program to support the student. - Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program
The Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program (also known as the McNair Scholars Program) is one of 158 such programs nationwide. First established in 1989 and named after Dr. Ronald E. McNair, this program is designed to help academically talented students from traditionally underserved backgrounds reach their potential by earning a doctoral degree. - Sloan Scholars
The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation provides funding for underrepresented students to pursue doctorates in mathematics, science, and engineering. The Sloan Scholars Program specifically targets African Americans, Hispanic Americans and Native Americans. All must be U.S. citizens. Students receiving Sloan Foundation grants may use the money to pay for professional travel, research, equipment, books, and to cover many other needs during their doctoral studies. These funds are in addition to any assistantships and fellowships awarded to a student.
Student Organizations for Underrepresented Students
Here is a small sampling of some of the student organizations our students have been involved with during their time at Penn State. For more student organizations, browse the student organization directory, or view a list of International and Cultural organizations. Penn State Registered Student Organizations are open to any student who is interested in the topic and mission of the organization. https://studentaffairs.psu.edu/get-involved/student-organizations/policies-recognition/policies-rules
- Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM)
- Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
- Society of Women Engineers
- Supportive network for Women in Meteorology (SWIM)
- Supporting Women in Geography (SWIG)
- Association for Women Geoscientists
- American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)
- National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
- Phi Sigma Rho Sorority (Women in science and engineering)
- Minorities in Agriculture and Natural Resources (MANRRS)
- Minorities in Earth and Mineral Sciences (MEMS) - Contact President Bryttani Wooten baw50@psu.edu
- Women in Earth and Mineral Sciences (WEMS) - Contact Kayla McCauley kxm765@psu.edu
- Women in Materials Science and Engineering
- Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
- Graduate Women in Science
- Multicultural Engineering Graduate Association
Campus Resources for Underrepresented Students
- Penn State Treasure — Guide to multicultural resources at Penn State, put together by underrepresented students at Penn State
- Paul Robeson Cultural Center
- Multicultural Resource Center
- Commission on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Equity (CLGBTE)
- Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity
- Gender Equity Center
- All Gender Restrooms
- Adult Learner Programs and Services
- Prior Learning Assessment — how to request academic credit for equivalent life experience
- Office of Veterans Programs
- Millennium Scholars — a scholarship program and support network designed to foster diversity with STEM fields
Getting Help or Assistance
Penn State offers numerous resources specifically for underrepresented students seeking assistance with a variety of concerns. We also encourage you to contact staff in our Office for the Associate Dean for Educational Equity, who can work with you and may be able to point you to additional resources.