Five Questions
What would be your dream job and how did EMS put you closer to this goal?
I have always wanted to work with PennDOT as a transportation planner. EMS helped me to find internship opportunities and contacts within PennDOT to make this dream a reality.
What student organizations and activities are you involved in?
I am a member of the EMS Ambassadors, Club Ski Team, Geography Club, and Society for Energy Business and Finance
What is the one Penn State activity that everyone should participate in, and why?
Intramural sports! I have met so many great people through IM flag football and IM soccer. It’s also a great way to stay active and take a break from school and play a sport in a more relaxed setting.
What is one piece of advice you would give to prospective students?
It’s OK to not know your major! I have gone through three in my time here. Sometimes it just takes time to figure out what you truly like and want to study.
What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in college so far?
Don’t procrastinate and use your time wisely. Sometimes you will have to choose between schoolwork and other activities, so make the right choice for you!