~ Moving with Grace ~


Planning Ahead

·         Establish Goals: Make those goals concrete and make decisions based off of your goals.

o   Deadlines: Go through your goals and note any deadlines for those goals. If none are applicable, make your own deadlines. Write all deadlines on a calendar you use.

·         Check in: Come back to these goals weekly to ensure you are on track to meeting your deadline. Consistently revaluate. Are you on track?

·         Prioritize: Do the little things first, send that e-mail, fold the laundry, clear your desk. Then you’ll have a fresh start to look at what big tasks have the first due date and get started on those.



·         Write Everything down: EVERYTHING. Make lots of lists. Write down dates, times and locations when applicable.

·         Use a planner: Either a paper planner or an online calendar, whichever you’re more likely to check.

·         Set reminders: Anything that is consistent on a weekly/monthly or even yearly basis set reminders, preferably on your phone since we have those with us nearly 24/7.

·         Emails: Have folders for e-mails that are noteworthy but no longer relevant, the only emails in your inbox should be relevant to tasks that need to be completed. Check your e-mails daily and complete tasks in your inbox regularly.


Make it Happen

·         Research: Anything you like or are interested in, look into programs, internships and/or scholarships.

·         Networking: Write down names, e-mail addresses and phone numbers. Then reach out!

·         Email: Email is a powerful thing. You can use it to ask questions, apply for opportunities. Always respond and show interest, show gratitude with a simple thank you e-mail. Even if one person doesn’t have any opportunities they’ll know other people who do.

·         Do it: If you have an idea, just do it. Especially if it only takes two seconds. You’ll feel accomplished and then you can focus your energy on the next task.


Grace Kimzey – January 2020


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This page was last updated by George Young on January 30, 2020.