How to write a seminar

  1. Determine your seminar's time limit
    1. Allow 1/4 of that time for questions
    2. The remaining time is available for your talk
  2. Determine your audience
    1. Interests
    2. Level of understanding
  3. Pick your major topics
    1. Estimate the time needed for each
    2. Make sure these times don't exceed your 3/4 total allotment
    3. Add or remove topics as needed to meet that time constraint
    4. Make sure all the topics are in a logical order
  4. For each major topic, choose the subtopics
    1. Estimate the time needed for each subtopic
    2. Make sure these times don't exceed your 3/4 total allotment
    3. Add or remove subtopics as needed to meet that time constraint
    4. Make sure each subtopic is in the appropriate topic
    5. Make sure all the subtopics within each topic are presented in a logical order
  5. Determine which points you want to make
    1. Each point is a SINGLE idea or example
    2. Make sure each point is relevant to your audience
    3. For each point, pick the best subtopic
    4. Once all your points have been placed in subtopics, rearrange the points within each subtopic into logical order
    5. If you find any gaps as a result of this reordering, add the appropriate points
    6. If you find any orphaned points, eliminate them
  6. Group the points within each subtopic into closely related groups that make a single argument, i.e. paragraphs
    1. Associate each of these paragraphs with the image or object you'll use to support it
    2. You'll show this image or object while you're presenting the paragraph's argument
  7. Allow 2 minutes to present each paragraph
    1. Recheck to see that you'll finish within your time limit
    2. Example: a 60 minute seminar has 45 minutes for presentation and thus allows time for 22 arguments.
    3. If you have too many arguments, eliminate the lowest priority paragraphs until you meet the time limit
    4. Do not throw out these trimmed paragraphs; reserve them instead for use in answering questions


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    This page was last updated by George Young on June 30, 2003