Teaching Interests

Rainbow at Sea

gravity current equation

Philosophy: Meteorological education involves far more than just learning facts and methods as currently understood by one's professors. Rather it requires the students to learn how best to teach themselves, becoming lifelong learners and the developers of new methods. It is the professor's role to guide and foster students in this challenging endeavor.

Courses | Selected Publications


Computer Applications

Meteo 473

Statistical Methods

Meteo 474

Quantitative Finance

Energy Business and Finance 473

Boundary Layer Meteorology and Turbulence

Meteo 454, 554, 456

Synoptic Meteorology

Meteo 411, 412, 511

Mesoscale Meteorology

Meteo 414

Dynamic Meteorology

Meteo 422

Weather Forecasting

Meteo 415

Research Mentoring   

Meteo 496, 480, 580

Selected Publications

·         Young, G.S., and S.E. Haupt, 2005: Teaching artificial intelligence to meteorology undergraduates. Proc. Fourth Conference on Artificial Intelligence, San Diego, CA, January 9-13.

·         Koval, J.P., and G.S. Young, 2001: Computer training for entrepreneurial meteorologists. Bull. Amer. Meteo. Soc., 82, 875-888. --- Abstract

·         Pavloski, C.F., W.H. Brune, and G.S. Young, 1995: Developing an undergraduate laboratory in atmospheric physics. Bull. Amer. Meteo. Soc., 76, 235-240. --- Abstract

·         Young, G.S., and J.M. Fritsch, 1989: A proposal for general conventions in analysis of mesoscale boundaries. Bull. Amer. Meteo. Soc., 70, 1412-1421. --- Abstract