(Ref.: "The World of Physical Chemistry," by K. J. Laidler, Oxford Univ. Press, 1993)

•1850: Wilhelmy (Germany) studied the rate of inversion of sucrose (hydrolysis into D-(+)-glucose and D-(-)-fructose in the presence of an acid) and found it to be proportional to the concentrations of both the sugar and the acid.

•1864: Guldberg and Waage (Norway) formulated their "law of mass action," according to which the reaction "forces" are proportional to the product of the concentrations of the reactants:

K=[R]r [S]s/([A]a [B]b)

where a, b, r and s are the stoichiometric coefficients in the chemical equation A+B=R+S. So the rate of the forward reaction is proportional to [A]a [B]b and that of the reverse reaction is proportional to {R]r [S]s.

•1865: Harcourt and Esson (UK) analyzed the reactions between H2O2 and HI and between KMnO4 and (COOH)2. They wrote the corresponding differential equations, integrated them and determined the concentration vs. time relationships. They also proposed an equation for the temperature dependence of the reaction rate, k = A TC.

•1884: van't Hoff (The Netherlands) published his "Studies of Chemical Dynamics" (Ιtudes de dynamique chimique), in which he generalized and further developed the work of Wilhelmy, Harcourt and Esson. In particular, he introduced the differential method of analysis. He also analyzed the temperature dependence of the equilibrium constant (now called the "van't Hoff equation") and of forward and reverse reaction rates.

•1887: Ostwald (Germany; Latvia) introduces the terms "reaction order" and "half-life" in his "Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Chemie."

•1889: Arrhenius (Sweden) further analyzed the temperature dependence of reaction rate, k = A exp(-B/T), and gave it an "energy barrier" interpretation; this is now called the "Arrhenius equation."

In the 20th century there have been significant developments in the theory of chemical kinetics (determination of rate constants and reaction orders from "first principles"). It is not yet possible, however, to predict the kinetic parameters for real-world chemical processes, and in reactor design we must rely on carefully planned and executed experiments. These theoretical (and experimental) developments are beyond the scope of an introductory CRE course, except for the following:

•1913: Chapman (UK) introduced and Bodenstein (Germany) developed the steady-state approximation in chain reactions, according to which the rate of change of intermediate products is negligible.

•1917: Trautz (Germany) and Lewis (UK) independently proposed that the rate of reaction is determined by the frequency of molecular collisions. This is now known as the "collision theory" of chemical reaction kinetics.

•1920s: Langmuir (USA) studied the kinetics of surface reactions and introduced what is now known as the "Langmuir isotherm," which was further developed by Hinshelwood (UK) into the "Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism" of heterogeneous reactions.

•1934: Rice and Herzfeld (USA) show that chain reactions involving free radicals (whose concentrations are determined using the steady-state approximation) are responsible for the often observed variations in the order (n=0.5, n=1, n=1.5, etc.) of thermal decomposition of organic compounds such as ethane and acetaldehyde.

•1935: Eyring (USA) developed a statistical treatment called the "theory of absolute reaction rates" or "transition state theory," according to which the reaction occurs in two steps: (a) equilibrated conversion of the reactant(s) into an "activated complex;" (b) decomposition of the complex (which occurs at a definite rate).



•1908: Creation of the AIChE.

•1923: Walker, Lewis, McAdams and Gilliland (USA) publish "Principles of Chemical Engineering."

Interestingly, even the 3rd edition (1937) does not contain a chapter on CRE. (The chapters are mostly unit-operations oriented: elements of industrial stoichiometry, fluid films, flow of heat, fuels and power, combustion, furnaces and kilns, gas producers, crushing and grinding, mechanical separation, filtration, basic principles of vaporization processes, evaporation, general principles of diffusional processes, absorption and extraction, distillation, humidity and wet- and dry-bulb thermometry, air conditioning , drying.)

•1934: 1st edition of Perry's "Chemical Engineers' Handbook" is published, but it contains nothing on reaction kinetics or reactor design. The closest section, written by Stillman, Taylor and Graves, is entitled "Indicators, Quantitative Analysis, Catalysis, Organic Chemistry."

•1941: 2nd edition of Perry's "Chemical Engineers' Handbook" is published.

•1944: Denbigh (UK) publishes his paper on "Velocity and Yield in Continuous Reaction Systems" (Trans. Faraday Soc. 40, 352-373, 1944).

•1947: Hougen and Watson (USA) publish Part 3 of "Chemical Process Principles: Kinetics and Catalysis. (See p. 1012 for a plot of reciprocal rate vs. conversion.)

•1950: 3rd edition of Perry's "Chemical Engineers' Handbook" is published. Section 4, entitled "Physical and Chemical Principles," written by Bryant, Elgin, Perry, Rossini and Whitwell, has a chapter on "Chemical reaction kinetics," containing a discussion of homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions (but not reactor design).

•1953: Danckwerts (UK) publishes his paper on "Continuous Flow Systems -- Distribution of Residence Times" (Chem. Eng. Sci. 2, 1-13, 1953).

•1956: J. M. Smith (USA) publishes his "Chemical Engineering Kinetics."

(No discussion of RTD nor of 1/r vs. X graphs.)

•1957: First symposium on CRE, at the 12th Meeting of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering.

•1958: W. Brφtz (Germany) publishes "Fundamentals of Chemical Reaction Engineering" (English translation of "Grundriss der chemischen Reaktionstechnik," published in 1965).

•1959: S. M. Walas (USA) publishes "Reaction Kinetics for Chemical Engineers."

•1962: O. Levenspiel (USA) publishes "Chemical Reaction Engineering."

•1963: Kramers and Westerterp (The Netherlands) publish "Elements of Chemical Reactor Design and Operation."

•1963: 4th edition of Perry's "Chemical Engineers' Handbook" is published. Section 4, written by Perry, Sliepcevich, Green, Kobayashi and Leland (with acknowledgments to J. M. Smith), is entitled "Reaction Kinetics, Reactor Design, and Thermodynamics."

•1965: R. Aris (USA) publishes "Introduction to the Analysis of Chemical Reactors."

Intriguingly, Prof. Neal Amundson considers this to be "the first book [on CRE] that treated the whole subject in a rational way" (Chem. Eng. Sci. 41, 1947-1955, 1986).

•1965: K. G. Denbigh (UK) publishes "Chemical Reactor Theory: An Introduction."

•1965: E. E. Petersen (USA) publishes "Chemical Reaction Analysis."

•1971: Cooper and Jeffreys (UK) publish "Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design."

•1972: Second edition of Levenspiel's "CRE".

•1973: Section 4 of the 5th edition of "Chemical Engineers' Handbook," entitled "Reaction Kinetics, Reactor Design and Thermodynamics," written by Lin, Van Ness and Abbott, contains chapters on Fundamentals, Experimental techniques, Interpretation of laboratory and pilot-plant data, Scale-up methods and Reactor design.

•1976: J. J. Carberry (USA) publishes "Chemical and Catalytic Reaction Engineering."

•1977: C. G. Hill (USA) publishes "An Introduction to Chemical Engineering Kinetics & Reactor Design."

•1979: Levenspiel publishes "The Chemical Reactor Omnibook," a delightful, hand-written and problem-saturated complement to his "CRE".

•1979: Froment (Belgium) and Bischoff (USA) publish "Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design."

•1979: Holland and Anthony (USA) publish "Fundamentals of Chemical Reaction Engineering."

•1980: J. B. Butt (USA) publishes "Reaction Kinetics and Reactor Design."

•1981: Third edition of Smith's "Chemical Engineering Kinetics." (Does discuss RTD now, but not 1/r vs. X graphs.)

•1984: Section 4 of the 6th edition "Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook," entitled "Reaction Kinetics, Reactor Design and Thermodynamics," written by Lin, Van Ness and Abbott, contains chapters on Fundamentals of chemical reaction systems, Experimental techniques for kinetic-data acquisition, Analyses of reaction kinetic data, Scale-up methods, and Reactor design (basic principles and data).

•1984: Westerterp, van Swaaij and Beenackers (The Netherlands) publish a new edition of "Chemical Reactor Design and Operation."

•1984: Denbigh and Turner (UK) publish 3rd edition of "Chemical Reactor Theory."

•1984: Trambouze, Landeghem, and Wauquier (France) publish "Chemical Reactors: Design/Engineering/Operation" (English translation of "Les reacteurs chimiques: Conception/calcul/mise en oevre," published in 1988).

•1986: H. S. Fogler (USA) publishes "Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering."

•1987: E. B. Nauman (USA) publishes "Chemical Reactor Design."

•1989: Holland and Anthony (USA) publish 2nd edition of "Fundamentals of Chemical Reaction Engineering."

•1990: Froment (Belgium) and Bischoff (USA) publish 2nd edition of "Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design."

•1995: Walas publishes "Chemical Reaction Engineering Handbook of Solved Problems."

•1997: Section 7 in the 7th edition of "Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook," entitled "Reaction Kinetics," written by S. M. Walas, contains chapters on Reaction kinetics, Rate equations, Ideal reactors, Large scale operations, Acquisition of data, and Solved problems.  There is also a separate section on Chemical Reactors.

•1998: L. D. Schmidt (USA) publishes "The Engineering of Chemical Reactions."

This is the first substantive departure from Levenspiel's approach (and that of his followers) to introductory CRE teaching. Argues that with Levenspiel's notation "there was no logical way to solve mass and energy balance equations simultaneously" and this notation "also prohibits the correct handling of multiple reaction systems." In addition to what he considers to be the core of CRE ("multiple reactions, energy management and catalytic processes"), he discusses the increasingly important topics of "environmental, polymer, solids, biological, and combustion reactions and reactors." Prof. Schmidt also makes the point that teaching of CRE needs to reflect the facts that (a) the profession is not dominated any more by "petroleum processing and commodity chemical industries," and (b) "[p]olymers, bioprocesses, microelectronics, foods, films, and environmental concerns are now the growth industries needing chemical engineers."

•1999: 3rd edition of Fogler's "Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering."

This now appears to be the most "popular" textbook (see Shalabi et al., "Current Trends in Chemical Reaction Engineering Education" in Chem. Eng. Educ., 1996, pp. 146-149). A derivative of Levenspiel's classic textbook, and perhaps its successor, it emphasizes the multimedia approach: it has a CD-ROM, a web site and uses PolyMath quite a bit.

•1999: Levenspiel publishes the 3rd edition of "Chemical Reaction Engineering."

•1999: Missen, Mims and Saville (Canada) publish "Introduction to Chemical Reaction Engineering and Kinetics," which includes a CD-ROM with E-Z Solve software and has a web site.

•2000: J. B. Butt publishes "Reaction Kinetics and Reactor Design," second edition, revised and expanded.

LRR3@psu.edu (1/31/2001)